Examples of Educational Equity Vision Statements
An educational equity vision should push schools to improve and hold them accountable while also
being authentic, reflective of, and responsive to the school community. Equity vision statements are
aspirational and affirmational with high standards for equity and justice. Equity vision statements are
clear, concise, and actionable. Take a look at these examples for ways in which schools approach equity
Example A
Our Equity and Inclusion Commitment: Each student will have the resources and support needed for
their educational journey each and every day. With students, staff, families and the community as our
foundation and educational equity and inclusion as our goal, we commit to…
● Quality instruction for each student.
● Inclusion of all students, families, staff, and community members.
● Transformation of systems that contribute to inequities.
● Relationships that are intentional and reciprocal.
● Collaboration with families, students, staff, and community.
● Communication that is honest, open, and courageous.
Example B
Every student in Georgia experiences breakthrough success regardless of race, geography or family
income. In support of this vision, we commit to: “surface, confront, and dismantle the normalization and
legitimization of cultural, systemic, and institutional inequities that routinely advantage one group while
producing cumulative and chronic adverse outcomes for another.” (Adapted from Lawrence and
Keleher, 2004)
Example C
By honoring the unique gifts and opportunities each child and adult brings, our schools are learning
communities where all individuals thrive intellectually, socially, and emotionally and are empowered to
liberate themselves and others through connecting with and contributing to the world. We will achieve
our vision by leading and supporting our schools in creating Thriving Students, Responsive Pedagogy,
Nurturing Community, and Empowered Advocacy.
Example D
Sunshine Unified Schools cultivates and supports an inclusive culture where every person belongs and
each person’s inherent dignity is upheld. We affirm:
That individual identities are valued, embraced, and represented.
To develop thought-leaders throughout the Sunshine Unified Schools community who feel
empowered to advocate for and effect change in the pursuit of a socially just and anti-racist
Each student is equipped with the necessary resources to develop the competencies to achieve
their unique post-graduation objectives.
An ongoing commitment to refine curricula, resource allocation, policies, and practices that
result in equitable opportunities and participation throughout our educational system.
The necessity to engage and inform all members of the Sunshine Unified Schools community on
the progression of equity work.
Example E
Riverwood Public School is dedicated to valuing the uniqueness of each individual in our community. By
viewing our differences as strengths, we foster a deep appreciation for one another. We commit to
building a culture that empowers students, staff, and community partners so that everyone can feel
supported in reaching their full potential.
Processing Questions:
What resonates for you with each of these educational equity vision statements? Is there
language that you are particularly drawn to or enthusiastic about?
What distinctions do you notice between the statements? Is there language that does not
resonate for you? What do you feel is missing?
What about length or brevity? Are there statements that are more complete? Dynamic?
What essential values or concepts would you like to see in an educational equity vision
statement for your school?
How might different audiences respond to or use an educational equity vision statement? What
are important communication considerations?